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Ranks shown by levels


Rainstorm: Lvl1

Snowstorm: Lvl 2

Icestorm: Lvl 3

Hailstorm: Lvl 4

Thunderstorm: Lvl 5

Tornado: Lvl 6

Hurricane: Lvl 7

Cyclone: Lvl 8


Moving Up in Ranks
You start out as a rainstorm. To move up in ranks you must either present to Sonic that you've gotten better through a battle. Or you can challenge a person of the rank above you. To learn more about challenging members look to the right.



Leader: Sonic

Cyclone: Flame, Lion, Miku


Tornado: Sponge

Thunderstorm: Jack, Manny

Hailstorm: Savage, Sega

Icestorm: Samus, Fly

Snowstorm: May

Rainstorm: Wolf, Levi


Challenging Another Member
To challenge a person three conditions must be met.

1. It must be someone of the rank above you

2. Sonic must be present.

3. If you lose you cannot challenge another for 3 days.

You must fight the person of choice 3 times, whoever wins twice wins the challenge. If there is a draw there will be a fourth battle.

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